Two weeks down, eight to go. Next week will be the really interesting one. That’s when school starts.
Anyways, here’s what I got today. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about this picture. I think I like it. The color of the sky is pretty cool, at any rate (yes, it actually was purple). If only the picture had been taken half-a-second later, when the birds weren’t behind the steeple. Then they would have looked like birds, and like the steeple was falling apart.
Also, my camera somehow picked an ISO speed in between 400 and 800. I don’t know how it did that, because I can’t select it manually. And I wasn’t even aware that ISO speeds came in non-multiples of 100.
I am a sucker for photos with a shallow depth of field, and many of them (including this one) have that. Thus – shiny!! I’m jealous you can go below f/2.8 … I don’t think my camera can. And you should look at my latest facebook photo album if you haven’t.
To clarify, I meant many of your 50/50 project photos thus far have a shallow depth of field, not photos in general. 🙂
That’s one advantage of a DSLR — interchangeable lenses.
For the record, my new camera (canon powershot g11) has the option of interchangeable lenses! I kindof forgot that the f/ number range is directly tied to the lens… I don’t think I’m hardcore enough to play with different lenses yet, though. Maybe eventually.
Really? The only things I can find for the G11 are conversion lenses, which aren’t the same thing. I don’t think you can just go buy any arbitrary Canon lens from B&H and stick it on your camera… can you? It’s certainly not listed in the specs.
Hmm, well maybe I misunderstood the term “conversion lens.” I thought you just bought that, then could slap virtually any Canon lens on top of it. Buuut the internets tell me otherwise. 🙂 There is a “lens adapter” I would need to buy, and THEN I can buy a few different “conversion lenses.” Gah. Still, I guess I have more flexibility than a typical point-and-shoot camera should I choose to spend gobs more money?