I picked a terrible time of year to work on a photography project to try to take a lot of outdoor shots. The weather _sucks_ right now. So this shot is the result of me standing underneath an awning and taking a picture of the only thing in front of me. I still think it came out ok.
(The weird black sculpty thing, btw, is presumably a piece of art that’s on the engineering quad on campus. I broke the “don’t center your subject” rule again in this shot, but I think it’s kindof striking this way. And heck, I’ve broken that rule so many times by now that I don’t even know why I bother commenting about it any more.)
I like the way the window is centered in the hole in the black sculpture!
As for the weather, it looks like your sky has more blue than mine has been having. :-p
That’s not actually blue sky. I’m not quite sure why it looks blue, but yesterday was a big, ugly, windy, snowy day.