This week’s prompt was “focus” and was “completely open to interpretation”. I knew right away I wanted to play around with a long-exposure while I spun the focus ring around. It just so happens that I got to do a tiny bit of focus stacking, too!
The first shot I took was basically exactly what I wanted, but it had a bit of extra vignetting around the corners and a couple regions I wanted in stronger focus. All the shots I took afterwards didn’t have quite the same glowing, ephemeral feeling that I was going for, but they did have some better corners and some other in-focus areas I wanted, so I merged them together in Photoshop. The final result is a merge of three separate shots. I’m really happy with it!

I’d really like to do another version of this sometime, where I take 10 shots with different areas in focus, and then focus-stack them and selectively pick the parts I want in- and out-of-focus. I’ll add that to my list of “someday when I have some spare time” shots. 🙂
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