This week’s prompt was to “show motion”; Chelsea says:
Light trails, blurred commuters, soft water. Just a few ways to show motion. How do we do it? With a slow shutter speed. You’ll need a steady hand, tripod, or just a solid surface to keep the camera still. A tip: using the self-timer or a remote control for non-handheld shots will take out the risk of camera shake while pressing the shutter button.
Find a moving subject and show its motion with a slower shutter speed. Can’t control your shutter speed? No problem! Take this opportunity to think creatively. How else can you show motion?
This was a hard one for me; I was originally going to do a train shot, but then saw that many other people jumped to the “train” idea first, and I kinda wanted to do something different. So then I thought about trying to capture my dog playing, but I put it off too long so didn’t spend as much time on it as I probably should have. This is close to the shot I wanted to make:
What I really wanted to do was have a single exposure with my dog in multiple “active” poses. I ran into a few problems here, mostly of my own making. One was equipment; both my camera battery and my external flash batteries were running low on charge because I’ve been lazy and haven’t charged them (bad photographer! bad!). I also rarely use my external flash, so I a) don’t really know how to use it and b) don’t really know how to set my camera settings appropriately. I think this is probably one of my greatest weaknesses as a photographer. Then finally, I ended up just giving myself a headache because it’s late at night and I was triggering my flash multiple times in a row right next to my head. So, I kinda gave up, did the best I could in post, and decided to call it a day.
If I get a chance, I may revisit this shot (or something like it) in the future, but for now I wanna get started thinking about the next prompt so I don’t end up in this same boat next week! 😛
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