This week’s theme was “your neighborhood”; Chelsea says,
Whether it be a crowded city street, or a quaint neighborhood diner’s sign, there’s something unique about where you live. Find that element of interest and highlight it with either context or isolation.
The subject for my shot was fairly obvious after some thought; the challenge was actually getting a good photo of it. This is what I ended up with:

The “tile house”, as we call it, is just a few blocks away. It’s really impressive, and there’s lots of fine details that you don’t really notice in the above photo. I played around with a few different angles and compositions and this was the best I came up with for the theme; I’m not 100% happy with it, but I’m not totally sure how to improve it.
This is an alternate shot I took which I think is compositionally slightly stronger, but feels like it fit the theme less well. Curious to know what you think!

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