Ok, I know it’s been a bit of a ghost town around here recently, but in keeping with my theme from the beginning of the year, I’ve been trying to balance “keeping up with this challenge” with “other projects”. I’ve had these photos sitting on my computer for a couple months (eek) at this point, but, uh, better late than never, I guess? Anyways, here are my submissions for weeks 10 through 14. I’ll have a second post that (hopefully) catches me up to the current week soon.
Week 10 – Natural Light
We took a vacation to Point Reyes, and the golden hour light on the hills was just spectacular. I knew I wanted to use one of those photos for this prompt, but it was a bit of a struggle to actually figure out which one to use! Anyways, I finally settled on this one:

Week 11 – Harsh Shadows
I’m a bit of a sucker for old barn photos, and thought this one fit the theme quite nicely:

Week 12 – Flat Light
I didn’t intentionally take this shot for this prompt, but as I was editing the photos from our trip, this one stood out to me as being quite an interesting photo despite pretty flat, lighting-wise.

Week 13 – Frenetic
This week’s theme was open for interpretation. My shot is maybe a bit of a stretch for “frenetic”, but I really feel like the unusual perspective and the crazy tree-branches (combined with the contrail that’s not reflected in the sky) give this shot a lot of really unsettling motion, even though everything is actually quite still. In any case, even if it’s not “frenetic”, I think this is one of the best shots I’ve taken in quite a long time.

Week 14 – Photographer Spotlight (Maria Svarbova)
This one’s maybe a bit of a cheat, since it wasn’t directly taken for the prompt. Maria Svarbova is a Slovak photographer who does a lot of surrealist imagery based on Soviet-era architecture. She is known for really striking use of color. This shot doesn’t have any Soviet-era architecture, and while I think the colors are interesting in this shot, they aren’t interesting in the same way that many of Maria’s shots are interesting. So I guess all it’s really got going for it is the surrealist bent. Eh. Whatever. I still think it’s a hilarious image.

i loved these pics! Especially the so called “frenetic” one!
Thank you!
I love these. “Frenetic” is my favorite. ❤️
I really liked your meadows picture and also the frenetic trees. Thanks for sending them. Gramma