This week’s prompt was “something familiar.” Says Chelsea,
Something a lot of photographers struggle with is inspiration. This often manifests from the mundane droll of everyday life. To that I say: that’s your everyday life, and what may be uninspiring to you may be fascinating to another. All our life experiences are different. So to recalibrate a little, find something that you interact with every day (thing, place, person, animal, etc.) and photograph that. Try photographing it from at least ten different angles, play with lighting (reflecting light, table lamps, or if you’re fancy whatever photographic lighting set-up you have.) Choose the one best from what you’ve created and share that.
Figuring out the subject for this was easy: a few months ago, I started drinking La Croix. Like, a lot. It’s kindof a problem. So the sight of an empty La Croix can on my desk has become very familiar… But I wanted to do something different, and wanted to play around with dramatic lighting. I confess I’m not in love with the final outcome; it’s not the worst thing I’ve ever done but it’s not my favorite, either. Anyways, here it is:

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