This week’s challenge was to shot a landscape or city vista. Chelsea says,
Find a vista or sweeping scene. Decide if it’s more appropriate in that scene to showcase as much in focus, as little, or something in between. Choose your settings accordingly.
This was a harder challenge for me; I wasn’t sure what to shoot for a long time. I finally ended up heading towards the edge of town where I got the following shot:

Here we see the northern side of downtown Sacramento: the two white buildings in the center of the photo are the county jail and the courthouse; these buildings are juxtaposed with trash and detritus strewn over a green field, remnants of Sacramento’s tremendously large homeless population. In the background, a beautiful sunset pierces the clouds above it all.
I also took the following shot, and I debated for a while which to submit. I like this shot slightly better, but I feel like it doesn’t convey my “point” (insofar as I have a point, which is debatable) as well.

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