This is a bit late, because it was a bit more involved of an exercise; I ended up taking the photos for it last week, but only got around to sorting through them tonight. It’s also a nice follow-on from my last post about photo essays. The challenge was called “A Day in the Life”. Chelsea says,
This is one of my all-time favorite exercises, but the first time I’m including it in the prompts. It’s a bit involved, so stay with me. Choose one day this week where you will document the entire day – from the moment you wake up, to the moment you go to sleep. Aim to take at least one photo every hour. At the end, cull it down to no more than 10 photos which tell the story of your day. Then, choose just one hero photo which sums it up in its entirety.
I’m not going to say too much more about this, because I want to see how well the photos stand on their own, but here’s the “hero photo”:

And here’s the gallery of 10:

I don’t think I understand what you’re doing but I like Chloe I wonder how Chloe feels about it. I got vaccinated 10 days ago thanks to Brock and pqa
Miss you. Love gigi
While there’s clearly a backstory here I don’t understand, David, I do get a picture of what your day was like. Your hero shot is great – very compelling pooch eyes…so cute. Looks like there’s another 4 legged family member that doesn’t appear too excited about whatever situation exists.
Also, I like your website alot. Going to subscribe now.
Aww thanks 🙂