Well I’ve made it 2 weeks so far 😀
This week’s topic was “Your Passion”
Let’s see what makes you tick. Make a photo that shows what you love – you can be as concrete or abstract with this as you’d like. For example, if you’re a musician, you can take a photo of your instrument (concrete), or maybe a long exposure of someone dancing (abstract). Try and highlight what makes this your passion so that a viewer can interpret your love and respect for whatever it is.
clondon, week 2
This one was sorta hard to figure out. I started the week not really sure what my passion was! And then I started wondering if that was a problem… The problem is that I have a lot of hobbies, and some of those I’m passionate about, but I wouldn’t necessarily say that any of them are my passion. Anyways, this is what I ended up with:

Any guesses? Nope, not reading — while I do like to read, I think what I’m really passionate about are stories — and stories can come in all shapes and sizes. Not just books, but in games, and in music, and movies, and art, and people’s lives. In this photo, I like to think about the stuff that’s not in the books — what’s the story of those scars on the side of the bookshelf door? What’s the story of that stuff reflected in the glass? What’s the story of the books themselves — why are some of them nearly new and others are nearly falling apart?
I think that stories are one of the best ways that we as humans can understand and make sense of the world around us, and so that’s what I tried to capture in this shot.
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