Alright, it’s been a while, so here’s my catch-up post. I’ve had a couple of these on my camera for a while, and the rest I took today. I also decided I was going to skip Week 12 (beaming), which was open for interpretation, and I didn’t have any interpretations of that prompt to open.
The four prompts in this post are all dealing with color; I get super-excited thinking about color and color theory, so these are some of my favorite prompts of the year. I even have two books on color theory sitting on my shelf that I haven’t read yet! Maybe I will actually read them… someday…
Week 13 – Color Theory
In the first prompt in this series, Chelsea says:
For this week, I want you to focus on color as an abstract, that isn’t to say to make an abstract photo, unless you want to. What I mean is just have it in the forefront of your mind.
Ok! Easy peasy.

Week 14 – Color Schemes
Alright, now we’re getting into it. Chelsea says,
Referring back to the introduction to color theory (link), this week you should pick one color scheme and utilize it in your image. As a reminder, some basic schemes include: complementary, analogous, and monochrome. If you want to get a bit more advanced, use this helpful tool via Adobe to explore some other schemes such as compound, triad, or split complementary.
I tried a few different things out here, but the one I ended up happiest with is a photo with analogous greens and yellows. I would like to revisit this one in the future, and get some nice complementary color scheme shots, and maybe do something even more complicated.

Week 15 – Martin Parr
This week’s prompt was another artist spotlight, this time focusing on Martin Parr. Chelsea says,
Known for his vibrant colors, Martin Parr’s work documents the everyday in a hyper-real way. Often comical, his well placed colors heighten the scene from what may seem mundane to something with true character.
Helpful links: Official site | Wikipedia | Magnum Photos
I was really struck by a number of Martin’s street photos, and I was trying hard to emulate that style. I took a few different images, but really loved both the expression on the girl’s face and the vibrant red flower in her hair:

Week 16 – Saturation
What’s that you say? My penchant for cranking the Vibrance and Saturation sliders to the max is OK this week? Done!

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